A secret history of pets: Why humans have kept animals as pets since ancient times
Humans have kept animals as pets since ancient times and now, a new book charts some of the extraordinary facts about our reverence and affection for all kinds of creatures

Milk Thistle And Miracle Cures For Parrot Liver Problems
The most common advice I’ve received for Morgy has been the advice to try her on milk thistle.

The Fatal Epidemic Of Animal Care Workers That No One Is Talking About
In September of 2014, 48-year-old veterinary behaviorist and best-selling author Dr. Sophia Yin died of suicide. Dr. Yin was a trailblazer in the dog training community. She wrote books, created instructional videos, and developed tools for positive reinforcement training.

Valuing birds: understanding the relationship between social values and the conservation of Australian threatened avifauna
Gill Ainsworth is a researcher and social scientist based in the Top End of Australia. The thesis examines relationships between people’s values, attitudes and behaviours with respect to threatened bird conservation in Australia.

The Kitchen Physician
Herbal medicine was early man’s first line of defense against the many ills and accidents that plagued him.

This is not a story about Birds, but of Cat Abuse, in Australia
I watched an episode of the Footy Show on 13 May 2015, and I was shocked to see one of the leading panelists, Garry Lyon, kick a cat!

Steven Wise on ABC’s Lateline in Australia
While in Australia as the keynote speaker for the Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series, NhRP President Steven M. Wise was a featured guest on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s news and current affairs show Lateline.